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Dúchas Links to Burriscarra NS

Stories Contributed by Pupils from Carnacon Region.

Dúchas is the online source of the stories, fairy tales and famous people compiled by the Folklore Commission in 1938-1939 by the pupils of Ireland. There are a total of total of 27 stories that mention or relate to Carnacon. Below is just a small selection (including the transcribed text taken verbatim from the copies of the pupils. For the full list please visit the Dúchas website using this link which will bring you to the compiled list of references to Carnacon. 

Burriscarra Abbey

Burriscarra, Killawalla and Touaghty were the three divisions of this parish which is now called Carnacon.
Carn = Cairn - a heap of stones.
Na gCon = Of the hounds.
There is a tradition that when St Patrick was passing this district some young boys threw stones at him and then he called the district Carnacon.
Burriscarra abbey was next in importance to the abbey of Ballintubber.
It was founded in 1297AD by Adam Staunton a Norman Lord who had built Castlecarrol which was quite close to this abbey. It was inhabited by the Carmelites until 1412A.D. It was then transferred by order of the Pope John XXIII to the Augustinian Hermits who lived in Ballinrobe.
The abbey was suppressed during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1542 A.D. and the abbey and lands were granted to Sir Henry Lynch.

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